Thursday, November 4, 2010

30 Before 30

Just after my 25th birthday in February I started compiling a list of things I really want to accomplish in the next 5 years. I like to think I am a goal oriented person so I hope that writing these things down and setting these goals for myself means I will accomplish them. These are not the most adventurous things, but just normal things I will aspire to finishing.

Daniella Karinne's 30 before 30 list

1. Buy a house
2. Make a family; have a child
3. Run a 5K (well at least jog it)
4. Go to Hawaii
5. Go to the Dominican Republic
6. Make it to somewhere in Europe
7. Be brave and go back to Mexico
8. Visit NYC with Josue
9. Go on a classic American road trip (ending in NC)
10. Visit Vancover Canada and Seattle, WA
11. Go on a mission trip
12. Learn conversational Spanish
13. Lose 30lbs
14. Read the bible all the way through
15. Purchase one piece of expensive jewelry for myself
16. Go snorkeling
17. Go Kayaking
18. Find a job I love
19. Take a pole dancing class
20. Begin more philanthropic ventures
21. Learn how to make a gourmet 5 course meal.
22. Finish my in progress scrapbooks
23. Make a first year scrapbook for my phantom child
24. Pay off our debt (school loan & Truck)
25. Grow berries and more organic things in my garden
26. Write a book (TKN?)
27. Start a retirement plan or an investment portfolio
28. Make a difference in at least one person’s life.
29. Find a church I really like
30. Forgive and move on

As I finish these I will cross them off my list and write a blog about each one.

When I am finished I will write a 40 before 40 list and so on.

Hopefully by then I can add some more adventurous things to my list.


Juli said...

Daniella, this is phenomenal. What an excellent idea it is to write down your goals. Because as you do them you get to check them off one by one. I take it these are in no particular order is that right? I love #30, I hope that can be one of your first ones to check off the list. I remember writing down a short list of things I wanted, and one was to buy a house. I never really thought I would be able to achieve it, but now I have been a homeowner for 10 years. In God's timing he gave me the perfect house that I needed to raise my family. He will do the same for #1 through 30 on your list. Keep the faith. I can't wait to read about each adventure you experience with this journey. How cool. I love you. p.s. you are more than welcome to go to Hawaii with me and Kristel, Jason and Stelly for Keith's game. Nov 18th-22nd.

Juli said...

Daniella, this is phenomenal. What an awesome idea. It is so great to write down your goals and then you get to see the progress along the way and look back and see how much you accomplished. These are in no particular order right? I hope that #30 is one of the first ones you achieve, it is very freeing to forgive and move on. As for #1, that is so awesome, I recall when I made a short list of goals and buying a house was one. I really didn't know how I would ever achieve that one and I had my doubts, but in a relatively short time I found myself buying a home all by my lonesome for me and the kids and now it has been 10 years since that day. God will provide the way for you to realize each of these goals in due time, have patience and have faith. I love you and believe in you (and Him). It will be fun to read about your adventures along the way to each of them. . . p.s. and if you want to go to Hawaii now, you are more than welcome to go with me and Kristel and Jason and Stelly for Keith's game Nov 18th - 22nd. I love you.

Ramona | Fab Everyday said...

This is so great! It inspires me to put mine down like this too.